Afrikanership, Christianity, Citizenship… This is the foundation on which Die Voortrekkers was established in 1931 and today it is one of South Africa’s largest youth and cultural movements. Later it also took off in Namibia.
The Voortrekkers are a cultural movement that equips their members, and in particular the youth, to live out their vocation through service as modern Afrikaners, positive citizens and consistent Christians.
The story of the Voortrekkers, which has been written for decades, is one of the Afrikaners’ most beautiful cultural stories. It is a story of perseverance, of dedication and sacrifice.

On 10 June 2023, the Transvaal Voortrekkers opened a brand new museum exhibition at the Voortrekker Monument (VTM).
The exhibition focuses on the history of the Transvaal Voortrekkers, the people who built this area into one of the largest in the movement, camps and the stories told over the years by every Penkop, Drawwertjie, Verkenner, Staatmaker, heemraad and officer.
Come and visit the Pioneer Yard and join The Voortrekkers on a journey through history!
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